ajaxURL = '/idx/ajax/search.php'; var ajaxLoadLarge = "<img src='/images/ajaxLoadLarge.gif' style='display:block; margin: 0 auto;' />"; var fieldID, idxID, mlsPtID; var timer = null; /** * On ready function * Functions and code in within this function will execute once jQuery has determined the page is ready * meaning all elements have been drawn */ idx(document).ready(function() { /** * When the limit map search check box is changed */ idx('#IDX-useMapBounds').change(function() { if (idx(this).is(':checked')) { // Checked - remove the class to not include in submit idx('.IDX-mapSearchInput').removeClass('IDX-noSubmit'); } else { // Unchecked - add the class to not include in submit idx('.IDX-mapSearchInput').addClass('IDX-noSubmit'); } }); var pageInfoGet = idx.parseJSON(idx('#IDX-pageInfoGet').html()); /** * If we are here to edit the saved search */ idx('#IDX-formEditSS').live('click', function() { var queryString = generateQueryString('#IDX-searchForm'); // Don't forget to append the page name as well queryString = 'page=' + pageInfoGet.page + '&' + queryString; var options = { "action": "editSaveSearch", "queryString": queryString, "editSavedSearchID": pageInfoGet.ssid, }; idx.ajax({ url: ajaxURL, async: false, dataType: 'json', data: options, type: 'POST', success: function (data) { if (data.error == false) { idx('#IDX-editSavedSearchMessage').html('Your saved search is edited successfully.'); idx('#IDX-editSavedSearch').dialog({modal:true, width:300, height:100, title:'Success', autoOpen:false, draggable:false, resizable:false, close: function(event, ui) { window.location = '/idx/myaccount?section=savedsearch'; } }); idx('#IDX-editSavedSearch').dialog('open'); } // end if else { idx('#IDX-editSavedSearchMessage').html('Unable to edit your saved search.'); idx('#IDX-editSavedSearch').dialog({modal:true, width:300, height:100, title:'Error', autoOpen:false, draggable:false, resizable:false}); idx('#IDX-editSavedSearch').dialog('open'); return false; } // end else } }); }); }); // end doc ready /** * This function takes a wrapping div id and creates the url string for the search * @param formElement the element containing all of the search elements * @returns just the elements that make up the search, none of the path info */ function generateQueryString(formElement) { var query = ''; idx(formElement+' :input').each(function() { var elementName = idx(this).attr('name'); var elementID = idx(this).attr('id'); var elementType = determineInputType(idx(this)); var elementValue = idx(this).val(); if(elementName && elementName != 'ccz-radio' && elementValue && elementValue != null) { if(elementType != 'select-multiple' && elementType != 'radio' && elementType != 'checkbox') { if(elementName == 'lp' || elementName == 'hp') var value = elementValue.replace(/\D/g, ""); else var value = elementValue; query = query + elementName + '=' + escapeHTML(value) + '&'; } // end if else if(idx(this).prop('disabled') != true) { if(elementType == 'radio' || elementType == 'checkbox') { if(idx(this).prop('checked') == true) query = query + elementName + '=' + escapeHTML(elementValue) + '&'; } // end if else { idx('#' + elementID + ' option').each(function() { if(idx(this).prop('selected') == true) query = query + elementName + '=' + escapeHTML(idx(this).val()) + '&'; }); } // end else } // end else if } // end if }); var url = query.substring(0, query.length - 1); return url; } // end function generateQueryString /** * This function will determine which type the input field is */ function determineInputType(obj) { var elementType = ''; if(idx(obj).is(':hidden')) elementType = 'hidden'; else if(idx(obj).is(':button')) elementType = 'button'; else if(idx(obj).is(':checkbox')) elementType = 'checkbox'; else if(idx(obj).is(':file')) elementType = 'file'; else if(idx(obj).is(':radio')) elementType = 'radio'; else if(idx(obj).is(':reset')) elementType = 'reset'; else if(idx(obj).is(':submit')) elementType = 'submit'; else if(idx(obj).is(':text')) elementType = 'text'; else if(idx(obj).is('select')) { if(idx(obj).prop('multiple')) elementType = 'select-multiple'; else elementType = 'select'; } // end else if return elementType; } // end function determineInputType /** * This function will replace white space with '+' and then escape the string */ function escapeHTML(str) { str = String(str); if(str != '') { str = str.split(' ').join('+'); return escape(str); } // end if else return ''; } // end function escapeHTML
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Wesley Chapel, FL 33544
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6013 Wesley Grove Blvd. Suite 102
Wesley Chapel, FL 33544
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Mon-Fri 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
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